The Wall Between Us

The Wall Between Us

Radically Honest Conversations Between a Black Girl from Philly and a White Chick from Montana

Who We Are


Jeanine says: I am a Black woman committed to equity and justice. As an activist-practitioner-scholar on postsecondary literacy and learning, I have fully committed to working towards equity and justice in my professional spaces. But as my work in this area expands, I am more compelled and convicted to do this work more intentionally in my personal space. Specifically, I feel drawn to think about equity and justice in ways that include tearing down the walls between myself and White women who are authentically engaged in their own critically reflexive practice. This is an ongoing struggle for me, but I want to move forward anyway.

Alison says: I am a White female community college English professor, teaching primarily developmental literacy courses.  Equity is a high priority for me, both personally and professionally. I am seeking ways to move my professional and personal practice beyond awareness of inequity to substantive changes that eliminate it.  Of course, I would like to change the world in this regard, too! 

How We Got Started

Jeanine says: We started with a professional relationship that meandered into a personal relationship. We have moved from a dissertation committee member and doctoral student to just a Black girl from Philly and a White chick from Montana getting to know each other and ourselves. 

Alison says: Jeanine served on my doctoral dissertation committee, and our relationship developed out of conversations initially focused on dissertation drafts.  Jeanine encouraged me to use an authentic voice within the academic parameters of the dissertation – giving me the authority to speak plainly about my positionality as a White woman exploring issues of race, critical race theory, and whiteness.  From these conversations, we began to grow into deeper relationship and a deeper conversation. 

What We’re Doing

Jeanine says: Alison and I are engaging in authentic and raw conversations about race and injustice. We are confronting our racialized experiences as a Black woman and a White woman. We are being vulnerable and transparent about the wall between us–the mistrust that has been cemented by our ancestral trauma and blood memory. We are attempting to understand what happens on our respective sides of this wall so that we can ultimately dismantle it. We are fighting against our fears with the hope of building a true community.

Alison says: Jeanine and I have been engaging in conversations about race – about Black and White generally but also specifically about Black women and White women. We see this as a unique and unfrequented conversational space. In our experience, Black women and White women do not often engage with each other in ways that increase cultural understanding.  We’re trying to understand each other and each other’s experience of race. We’re trying to explore what a safe space looks like between White and Black women and also to highlight the insights that we can gain from having these conversations. 

Our Invitation to You

We are opening up beyond the safety of the relationship we have forged with one another hoping that by sharing our experiences others may find inspiration and strength. We will be sharing this journey with you by posting “our truths” and providing a forum for online, asynchronous discussion. We will also be hosting live web conversations where we you will be able to join in and engage with us in real time.

We invite you to join us in our journey, where we are seeking to understand this wall that stands between us as Black and White women. We invite you to witness and share in our radical honesty and our unfettered authenticity. We invite you to help us tear down the wall that separates us so that we can engage in deep, meaningful, equitable, and just community.