Our Truths

Just about every week for the past several months, we have been holding space for each other as we share our truths. Our process has been to write it down–putting our raw, unfiltered thoughts and experiences into words and then sharing it with one another. We then meet and discuss our truths. During this meeting we share our gut reactions, we make deep emotional connections to our lived experiences, and we share our pain and our hope. Most importantly, we use these conversations to better understand the wall between us as Black and White women so that we can move forward in healing and in authentic community. 

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing our truths with you here in this space. We are opening up beyond the safety of the relationship we have forged with one another hoping that by sharing our experiences others may find the inspiration and strength to begin their own journey. We invite you to read the truth of our racialized and gendered experiences; and we invite you to share your thoughts in response to our truths. Our only requirement is that any comments you share are kind and respectful of us and the community that we are working to build. 

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